Spring and summer are the perfect vacation seasons for a reason! Not only can you take advantage of school breaks, but the weather tends to be perfect for a getaway in your new or used RV – whether just for the weekend or for a longer vacation that lasts for a couple of weeks.
One place you really should put on your list to visit this summer is Yellowstone National Park. This is a fantastic vacation destination and has something for everyone. Learn more below!
About the Park
Yellowstone National Park has many claims to fame, not the least of which is that it’s the first established National Park in the United States. It is an incredible hotspot of geothermal activity and an abundance of wildlife.

You’ll also find some iconic sight-seeing stops for tourists, such as the following:
Old Faithful
Old Faithful is one of the most famous geyers in the world! It steadily erupts every half-hour to two hours, so make sure to include this as an afternoon stop. Even if you get there right after it has erupted, you won’t have to hang around long before it erupts again.

Morning Glory Pool
After you visit Old Faithful, stop at Morning Glory Pool. This beautiful hot spring is very close by to Old Faithful. Its gorgeous shades of green, gold, and blue will mesmerize you and give you plenty of photo opportunities.

Grand Prismatic Spring
Don’t miss seeing Grand Prismatic while you’re at Yellowstone! This is the third largest hot spring worldwide – and also happens to be the largest hot spring in the United States. Its colors are absolutely striking, giving you a landscape of blue, green, yellow, and red. Best of all? It’s so large that enjoying the view from several distances and angles is possible.

Some of my favorite photos of Grand Prismatic came from a hike on a nearby mountainside hike. Check out the different hydrothermal basins at Yellowstone here.
Iconic Wildlife
Keep your camera out and ready! There is a wealth of iconic wildlife at Yellowstone. Routine sightings of moose, bears, elk, marmots, and bison thrill visitors every day. Obviously, keep your common sense turned on as well, and enjoy those photo opps from a safe and enjoyable distance. Don’t interfere with, bait, or get near the wildlife. Wild animals are just that: wild, and are to be appreciated from safe distances only.

Visitors often don’t realize that wildlife authorities often have to kill animals who grow used to visitors interacting too closely, so for your safety and the continued health of the wildlife, be mindful of park rules. Still can’t resist the urge of feeling like you’re closer? Invest in a zoom lens for your camera.
Camping at Yellowstone
Yellowstone National Park has a lot of recommended camping options for people traveling in their new or used RV, which you can learn more about here. The park also offers tour bus options to visitors who prefer to park their RV and not come back til the evening. You can also find a more central campground if you plan to access your RV throughout the day or return for lunch.
We’d love to help you prepare for the best vacations ever this year, so stop in to look at our new and used RVs for sale, inquire about our affordable RV financing options, or schedule some RV service. We’re just a phone call away, so contact us today!