Cool-weather camping can be an amazing experience! The cooler temps often mean more pleasant hikes (nobody’s getting overheated!) and there’s just something about taking deep breaths of crisp, fresh, autumn air. If you’re new to RVing, or perhaps preparing to take your new or used RV out for your first cold weather camping trips, here are some RV tips for cool weather camping.

Clothing: More Layers Than a Cake
We mean it. This is the time of year when you’ll stay warmest – and most comfortable – if you can dress in layers (and remove them as needed if you get too warm).

Some of the clothing you should pack includes:
- A combination of lightweight and warm layers
- Merino wool or thermal long underwear base layers
- Fleece jacket
- Water/weather resistant jacket (and/or an insulated jacket if you’re heading to really cold climates)
- Hiking boots
- 2 pairs of socks per day. Trust us. No one ever regrets packing extra socks. Moisture-wicking is best, so your feet stay dry and warm.
- Snug-fitting warm hat, and a pair (or two!) of warm gloves
- Warm pajamas
- Rain gear
Weather Tips
Camping trips will always put you at the mercy of Mother Nature – and fall and early winter weather routinely turns on a dime. Check the forecast ahead of time and plan accordingly. More than that: even if the weather looks pretty balmy and perfect…still plan for rain or snow. You’ll also want to bring extra blankets, boots/shoes, even more extra socks, and pre-pack what you can in watertight containers that can be transported in your RV’s exterior storage. Also, invest in a portable NOAA weather radio.

Eat, Drink, and Eat Again
Believe it or not, cool weather camping is the perfect time to allow yourself to enjoy carbs and good fats. These help your body stay warm. Next, stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water. It’s often easier to remember to drink water in warm weather because we feel hot and thirsty…but it’s just as important to remain hydrated in cool weather – especially if you head to any higher elevations! Being dehydrated can result in altitude sickness. So drink up! And finally, have a little bedtime snack in the evening – especially one with complex carbs. Those carbs will, again, help your body heat up, which is a perfect way to stay extra toasty once you bunk down for the night.

Make Good Use of Your Daylight
Remember that the days are shorter this time of year, so don’t dillydally when it comes to setting up camp. If you can, try to arrive at the campsite earlier in the day so you have plenty of daylight to work with.

Stay Flexible
Sometimes Mother Nature just has her mind made up. Having extra supplies to stay warm and dry – as well as extra fuel for cooking – is your key to success in spite of inclement weather. Contact us today. We can also get your new or used RV in for some RV service before you head out, and make sure it’s ready for cold weather camping!